Three steps to battling African swine fever

PART 1: Biosecurity in the feed mill

PART 2: Reducing feed-associated risks

PART 3: Improving animal immune function to
cope with viral infections

Experiments have proven that African swine fever virus is more easily carried in the raw materials related to pig products, such as those containing high levels of natural protein, those in which the carrier contains trace components and those with relatively large surface areas. Research has also confirmed that dry pig blood and feed additives containing pig blood have tested positive for the virus, leading researchers to propose that this may be one of the current transmission routes

Tips to prevent ASF from entering your farm

It is possible to keep ASF out of the farm, even in countries where ASF is endemic. Here are nine prevention measures you can take to avoid ASF.

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Get advice from our swine technical expert about your farm. We will take a look at your current farm management practices, and offer tips and suggestions for how to get more out of your production and stay safe from African swine fever.

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Frequently Asked Questions on ASF

What are the symptoms of African Swine Fever?

Signs and symptoms of ASF

High fever (40.5–42°C)
Sudden loss of appetite
Hemorrhages on skin and internal organs, particularly lymph nodes
Diarrhea, vomiting (sometimes with bloody discharge)
Difficulty breathing
Sudden death
High death loss
What are the treatment options for ASF?
  • Currently, there are no treatments or vaccinations available for this animal disease.
  • Preventative and cautionary measures can be taken to protect animal health.
  • Contact between sick and healthy animals can transmit ASF. Therefore, infected animals must be isolated and culled immediately upon confirmation of ASF.
Can ASF be transferred via feed?

ASF can be transferred via feed (Niederwerder, et al., 2019). It is important to work with trusted suppliers and vendors to verify ingredient sources and determine what their biosecurity and quality programs entail.

Does ASF spread to humans and other non-swine animals and livestock?

ASF cannot be spread to humans and other non-swine animals and livestock and is not a threat to human health. However, humans can carry the virus on their clothing, shoes and equipment and can spread the disease unknowingly.