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About the initiative:

Producers throughout the food supply chain are implementing smarter, more sustainable solutions to positively impact plants, animals, people and the environment.

Now, more than ever, it is important to give agriculture a voice and communicate these stories to the world. At Alltech, we have a vision for a Planet of Plenty, in which a world of abundance is made possible through the adoption of new technologies, better farm management practices and human ingenuity within agriculture, supported by our pillars of science, sustainability and storytelling.







Meet the journalists:

Owen Roberts is an agricultural communications instructor and faculty member at the University of Illinois. He is past-president of the 5,000-member International Federation of Agricultural Journalists, which represents journalists in 55 countries, and a senator in the Canadian Farm Writers’ Federation. For more than 30 years, Owen was the research communications director and an agricultural communications instructor at the University of Guelph, Canada's Food University. 


Journalist and academic research in the Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics at the University of Illinois. For over 10 years covered various agribusiness topics for the most prominent Brazilian media publications, such as Grupo Globo affiliates. She was recognized with almost 20 national and international journalistic awards.


Claire Mc Cormack is a Researcher in the field of Media Work and Agriculture at University College Dublin where she is currently completing her PhD having received a Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship award from the Irish Research Council. Claire is also an Agricultural Journalist and regularly contributes to the Farming Independent and Irish Independent. Claire’s journalistic background extends across both mainstream national media and the specialised agricultural press where she has gained substantial experience on several digital, print and broadcast platforms. Academically, she holds a Masters in Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development from UCD, a Masters in Journalism from DCU, a Masters in Literature of the Americas from Trinity College Dublin and a BA in English and Sociology from Maynooth University. Claire also received the Veronica Guerin Memorial Scholarship to DCU in 2014.


Journalist, graduated at Federal University of Paraná. He worked at Ciência Hoje, cientific magazine and the Exame portal, famous business media in Brazil. He was reporter for Gazeta do Povo between 2008 and 2010 and returned to the vehicle in 2019, covering politics in Paraná. Since February 2021 he is editor of Economics. Throughout his career, he won the Paraná Award for Science and Technology, in the Scientific Journalism category (2012), and the Fiep Journalism Award, in the Internet category (2019).


Steve Werblow is a freelance agricultural writer and photographer based in Ashland, Oregon, USA. He is a contributing editor for The Furrow magazine and vice president of the International Federation of Agricultural Journalists, which represents journalists and communicators in 55 countries. Steve has been honored as Writer of the Year three times by the American Agricultural Editors Association/Ag Communicators Network, and has received the guild’s Photo of the Year award twice. Steve is a graduate of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell University.


Journalist and agricultural consultant specialized in the poultry sector with 30 years of experience. His radio program –Cátedra Avícola & Agropecuaria– has been on for 65 years without interruption. He was president of the Argentine Circle of Agricultural Journalists (CAPA) for 7 years and now is the general secretary of the International Federation of Agricultural Journalists (IFAJ).