Pushing the boundaries of protein nutrition
Optigen® is Alltech’s safe and traceable non-protein nitrogen (NPN) with controlled-release technology designed to provide a concentrated source of ruminally-degradable protein. Optigen can easily replace common protein sources. This technology helps to provide sustained availability of ammonia to the rumen environment, ensuring that rumen bacteria have continued access to this essential nutrient source.
Wasted nitrogen means wasted performance
In ruminant production systems, 75–95% of the dietary nitrogen consumed as feed protein is excreted. This nitrogen is wasted because ruminants are generally unable to use nitrogen efficiently, and this has a major impact on animal performance, profitability and the environment.
When it comes to rumen ammonia levels, under common feeding practices, there are periods of excess followed by periods of deficiency. This is particularly evident when the diet is supplemented with urea or fat-coated urea products, which release ammonia in the rumen all at once. Excess rumen ammonia is wasteful and potentially toxic, as it can lead to elevated blood urea nitrogen (BUN) levels and, subsequently, elevated milk urea nitrogen (MUN) levels. On the other hand, when there is a deficiency of rumen ammonia for a considerable amount of time, the rumen bacteria don’t have access to this food source required for growth, and as a result, productivity slows down.
The controlled and continual supply of ruminal ammonia provided by Optigen serves to meet the nitrogen needs of rumen microbes more effectively than other sources, such as straight feed urea. This can encourage microbial protein synthesis as a result of more efficient ruminal function and optimize ruminal nitrogen metabolism.
Benefits of Optigen in dairy cows:
Contact Alltech and buy Optigen® today!
Don't wait to begin seeing the cost savings, and many other benefits to your operation with Optigen®. Fill out the form to contact a local Alltech representative today.
Establishing gut health and development in calves is essential for building a foundation of performance and profitability in the future herd. Bio-Mos® 2 focuses on supporting animal performance by promoting good bacteria, supporting immune defenses and maximizing growth and efficiency.
Formulated to feed the gastrointestinal tract, Bio-Mos® 2 is a new feed supplement for your cattle to optimize average daily gain and reinforce a healthy gut microbiome without antibiotics at all stages of production.
Aids in nutrient utilization to optimize average daily gain
Supports colostrum quality
Maximizes gastrointestinal integrity and stability
Supports high-risk animal health
Bio-Mos® 2 continues the legacy of Bio-Mos® by improving upon Alltech’s trademark technology. Formulated to feed the gastrointestinal tract, Bio-Mos 2 supports gut integrity and colostrum quality to promote overall performance at all stages of cattle production.
We took the technology you loved in Bio-Mos, a unique product derived from a select strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast using our proprietary process resulting in even higher performance, while still promoting good bacteria and building natural defenses to maximize profitability.
When incorporated into the cow and the calf’s diet, Bio-Mos 2 supports gut integrity, colostrum quality and overall performance. Part of the Alltech® Gut Health Management program, Bio-Mos 2 is key to building a foundation for performance and profitability from the very start.
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Elizabeth Lunsford
Territory Sales Manager
(859) 553-0072
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Territory Sales Manager
Kentucky & Tennessee
(859) 553-4669
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Territory Sales Manager
Kentucky & Tennessee
(615) 603-1047