
Healthy udder

A correctly developed and healthy udder is essential for the production of a litter of piglets. The number and placement of teats is important to allow access for each piglet to suckle. However, not all teats are functional or in the correct place to allow such access. Although the requirements for functional teats are debatable, the ideal is broadly accepted as 16 teats, but this may represent only 5 percent of the gilt population. Up to 25 percent of gilts may only have 14 functioning teats. The practical commercial minimum is 12 good teats, with 14 or 16 for Meishan cross breeds.

Teat placement
Teat positioning is important for piglet access. The teats should follow two parallel lines and be equally spaced, with no extra or odd-numbered teats or ones that have merged. When teats are poorly placed, such as being close to the hind leg area, they are less available to the piglet at birth. Sows with large girths also exaggerate the teat placement.

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